Nemesyn Gaming

Small House
This single-story, wattle, and daub house appears freshly built. The finish has a smooth earthen tone and sturdy rustic charm. The house is modest in size but feels welcoming and seamlessly blends into the surrounding woodlands.

Lady Bisbee
A robust woman
greets you, “Good Hope to you.” You nod and greet her. "I'm Bisbee. Have you come seeking a new beginning?" she asks before continuing, "We did, motioning to her children. A new life. Isn't that right kids." The daughter, hiding behind Bisbee's skirt steps out and towards you. She smiles and tilts her head and then screams! Bisbee laughs while pulling the daughter back, "She's a little shy toward strangers." You half-heartedly laugh. You nod and bid your farewell, but before leaving, the boy stares blankly at you, and waves.